Sunday, December 22, 2013


These past few days have been a mad dash to the finish.
Making our to do lists and checking them twice and then twice again (:
We are oh so ready to get on the road and begin our holiday!
To be honest, I haven't been going through these days graciously.
Some gift ideas were a disaster and I had to go back to the drawing board
and some things got changed last minute and we were scrambling to acclimate.
My winter wonderland was falling apart and I was not happy about :P
We strive to remember why we are doing what we're doing during
this season and only allow on our to do list that which falls within 
the vision of loving each other and those around us well.
But due to things decided for us we had things on our to do list
and things added to our life that added pressure and some stress
and I think I may have become the very woman I didn't want to be during this time.
I was uptight, stressed, short and curt to husband,
and definitely NOT handling anything with grace.
I let the "list" rules my days instead and decide how well I was doing instead of remembering
that Christ and Christ only decides my worth

Oy vey.

Gratefully both Christ and my husband love me very very much and are incredibly gracious,
so we laugh at the past few days and move forward with a lesson learned.
But who are we kidding,
I'll probably have to RElearn it again next year :P
(please tell me I'm not the only one who does this???)

So Merry Christmas season,
I pray that you are able to remember better than I
what this season is about and that your to lists are not controlling monsters.


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