Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Rambling.... again.

I can't believe its Valentines week!
We've settled in to our life rhythm of work and time subsequently seems to fly by.
We've finished up some plans for Ireland and now everything feels
more real and tangible, I'm so excited!
Josh booked some absolutely beautiful little houses on the seashore
and we're just giddy at the thought of 45 degree weather.
This morning Husband comes in grumbling "ugh, its cold again...."
cold meaning that its under 0 degrees (-12 if you really want to know).
So we're pretty excited at a week of "warm" weather (;
In the anticipation of Ireland I keep forgetting that Josh's birthday
 is also this week along with Valentines'.
25 years old! So odd to think that later this year we will have known
each for 10 years. Wait, maybe thats wrong.... Um, I'll get back to you on that one.
Sorry, January brain is inking into February :P
Anyway, we have grand plans of dinner out and I have all sorts of grown up gifts for him.
Since he's REALLY a grown up now and everything.
But grown up gifts tend to be a bit boring so I'll probably still get him
a bow and arrows or something ridiculous like that too.
We like to keep things balanced around here (:

So yep, there are some Tuesday ramblings for you.
Hope you're having a delightful (and warm!)
Valentine's week!


1 comment:

  1. Some of my very favorite pictures of yours ever. Hope you and your love have a wonderful week!
