Sunday, October 14, 2012

The time has come....
and I'm not ready.

The time has come for you to go.
The tears are heavy in the back of my eyes as I frantically remind myself 
this isn't truly goodbye, more like a "see you later",
but my heavy heart just doesn't seem to get the message.
I've tried so hard to grasp every moment, to not miss a thing, 
and still the time has not been enough.
Just one more meal together, just one more walk, one more adventure together,
and maybe I'll be ready....

but the time just isn't there
and one more is never enough.

I've missed you so and as I prepare my heart and mind to hug you good bye tomorrow morning
I dread the missing that's already looming.

Thank you so much for traveling to the big city to see my little places
and having lots of little adventures with me.
I've loved sharing our life with you for a such a short time. 

I love you.


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