Sunday, September 21, 2014

Life seems to be going faster and slower all at once.
As we settle into ourselves (and this every 2 1/2 hour feeding schedule ;))
this new rhythm of us is becoming normal.
This new different rhythm that comes with a hundred more things to double check.
Diaper? Wipes? Burping cloth? Feeding times? Changing times?
Did we make that Dr's appt?  Fill out that form? Did he burp?
Does he have the gases or is he hungry again? Was that a SMILE???
It's amazing.
I still can't believe this is our life now.
Caring for and sharing days with this little delight we get to call son.
I keep feeling like this is just a vacation and soon he will somehow be gone.
But no. Wonders of wonders, this little person is a part of us now.
Well, he's actually been a part of us for nearly 10 months,
but now he's a visible, snuggle-able part of us
and that makes a big difference.
We are so overwhelmingly happy.
Our cup overflows hourly with the joy God gives through Jedidiah
and how our family is transforming.
It is so beautiful and precious.


P.S. This week I've taken Jedidiah to 2 different coffee shops, 
taken public transit,
and gone thrifting.
Our little chicagoan (;

1 comment:

  1. Aww! Just saw this! Congratulations! You all are just adorable together and your wee boy is so precious! This made my evening :)
