Dear Little One,
I have yearned and longed to be a "Mama" for so very long
and I hoped beyond hope that some of our children
I would get to carry and watch grow in my being.
I have so enjoyed and cherished each moment so far with you
and as we enter our 3rd trimester together
and the days till your coming grow shorter and shorter
I just wanted to make sure and tell you that.
We have celebrated each little mile marker of your time here,
from when you started showing, to the first time I and then Papa could feel you moving,
to the first time a stranger commented on you,
we have simply loved acknowledging and celebrating you.
People keep asking what your name is and we respond with telling them
we won't really know until we meet you.
Sometimes it strikes me as so odd that you,
my sweet little one,
who are such a joy to our days,
we haven't even truly met yet.
We cannot wait for that day.
When you decide that it is time to come out
and your Papa holds you for the first time
and we present you to the world.
It will be the very best of days.
Till then we will tentatively count down the days
and long for your coming (:
Happy 3rd Trimester!