Thursday, February 20, 2014

A 25th Birthday

We slept in to our hearts content and then went to our favorite little place
for donuts, Husband's favorite treat after ice cream (:
While we enjoyed our donut (so good!) Josh got calls from family
and I loved watching him laugh and enjoy warmth from far away.
I so enjoy watching my favorite person be celebrated alllllll day long.
Words of love and appreciation flow so freely on birthdays.
That night we went out for a really special treat. Fogo de Chao's!
Its the first time we've been (thank you again Melton's!)
and it was SO good and SO much fun.
Its a Brazilian meat house which means they hand out little place
cards with a red side and a green side.
When you have the green side up these men walking around with huge
skewers loaded with the best meat you've ever had in your life
slice off a piece of delicious meat and place it on your plate.
When you have the red side up it indicates you're done
(or taking a break :) its A LOT of food!).
We were giddy the whole day about it
and it fulfilled every daydream we had (:
There was a miscommunication with some special
mashed potatoes they made me, and the manager 
felt horrible about it and gave us a free meal voucher.
So we're looking forward to the next "special" excuse to go (:

 I found these on the camera the next day,
apparently Josh got bored while I was getting ready...

Ha! I do love him so.

Happy Birthday my love!
So glad you're all grown up now and can rent cars (;


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