Friday, June 1, 2012


I woke up with fuzzy brain that hasn't gone away yet and to overcast yucky weather outside. Everything feels off and weird and I just want the day to end so I can start a new one. Yeah, its just one of those days...

This weekend we're looking forward to:

~Going to a Rummage sale with a friend. Hope to find lots and lots of goodies (:
~The Farmers Market. Yay! Its finally here!!
~Going to church and worshipping with dear friends
~Hopefully a bike ride together. If the sun ever comes back out...
~Watching the end of HOOK. We've been watching a little bit each night before bed. So fun
~Josh is excited to get the oil changed. I'm looking forward to reading more of Jesus For President while its being changed.

Well, I'm off to make a cup of tea, watch a sad movie, maybe take a walk, and try to enjoy this day for what it is. Even if it is a weird, sad kind of day.


1 comment:

  1. awww, hope you get some sunshine this weekend.
    love Mama
