Friday, May 17, 2013

Dear E,

You're already infatuated with the new girl
so I should comfort myself knowing that you're
not going to miss me THAT much.
But still.
There's a knot where my stomach should
be and tears are heavy at the back of my eyes.
Sweet girl, how oh how am I going to get through today?

I love you,

ms. lyssa


  1. She might not know it now, but the way you've invested in her life has so much eternal value. God knows and He approves. Take comfort in that as well :)

  2. So well said, Breanne!!
    Lyss, in my opinion, taking care of children demands a servant's heart in a way above and beyond many other jobs/professions. Miss E may not remember your name years from now, but the rest of her life has been impacted by the one you serve, the name above all names.
