Thursday, June 28, 2012

Little Letters

Dear Stanleys,
Your fruits and veggies are oh so good! And cheap! We have so much fun introducing people to you, you make us look so cool.

Dear Dance Floors At Weddings,
Gosh we like you a lot. You really bring out the crazy side in Husband and I like it (:

Dear Husband,
Where did those dance moves come from?! Rockin', man, rockin'

Dear Grant Park,
We had no idea you were so big! And after an hour of walking looking for the movie in the park we were really hoping you weren't any bigger. Give us a hint next time? Ok, thanks.

Dear Cherisse,
Baby girl I cannot wait to hug you and kiss your cute little cheeks!! I plan on holding you the whole entire weekend, except for when your Mama forces me to let you go, just so you know. 

Dear Charity,
EEEEEEEEEEEEE!! I can't believe I'm going to see you this weekend!!

Dear Heat Index,
100+ huh? Bring it on.

Dear Simulcasted Paris Ballet,

Dear Bike,
Was that really necessary? I mean really! Shame.

Dear Airplane I'm Going To Be On Tomorrow,
Please don't be freezing. Thanks so very much.

Dear Husband,
I am going to miss you so badly. What was I thinking....

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I thought I was so domestic... and then I got married

and burned our dinner.

and now our little apartment and everything in it is going to smell
like burned sautéed green beans and potatoes for days.

It makes me sad when websites say one thing and locked doors say another

But the sitting and waiting for 30 minutes was quite nice, and I always enjoy a 
good people watching spot (:
 until a guy with cool red shoes caught me trying to take a picture of 
said cool red shoes.... and then it just got really awkward. 

Someone needs to work on her incognito skills. 

Evenings around here...

usually involve a walk, some hand holding, maybe a whispered secret or two, 
and lots of shared laughs over the day's events.


Monday, June 25, 2012

More Married Friends! Yippee! Yippee!

We got to see my dear friend CarrieAnne and her love Ben tie the knot this weekend!
I have been so excited about this for months now (:

The both looked gorgeous and the reception/dance party was SOOOO fun!

Congratulations CarrieAnne and Ben! We love you both. Yay for marriage and lifelong lovers and friends!

We also got to see and stay with our very dear friends Jeremiah and Stephanie. We love and respect them so much! Everytime we see them we walk away encouraged and inspired. They rock.

P.S. Somehow this is the only picture we got......

Sometimes I'm so very insecure and feel so weird taking pictures. Urgh. 
Josh was looking quite fine too (;

P.S.S. Ben is a firefighter, hence the siren thing driving away (:

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy First Day Of Summer!

Here's to lots of picnics, strawberries in everything, and emerging tan lines from long bike rides! We like you a lot summer season, glad you're here. 


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Fathers Day

To our Dad's who have taught us that there is excellence and nothing else, 
to remember the moment we're in and enjoy it fully,
and that with some hard work and a vision,
there's nothing we can't do.

While you have watched us grow up, we have watched you as well. 
We have watched your face as you threw us up in the air
and twirled us around,
 we watched your hands as you let go of our bikes,
we listened to your voice as you told us of the wonders and the pain of the cross,
we watched you love our Mom's,
we watched your face fall with disappointment when we chose sin over obedience,
we saw your joy on the day we told you "maybe....." we liked each other,
and we watched your tears on the day God made us one.

Thank you.
Thank you for letting us fall and teaching us how to try again. 
Thank you for believing in us and not letting us settle for what was easier.
Thank you for giving us a name, a home, and teaching us how to make our own.

Happy Father's Day

We Love You,
Josh and Lyss

Saturday, June 16, 2012


  • Sometimes I put way too much sugar in my coffee 
  • Sometimes I forget to shave my legs for many many days and that doesn't stop me from wearing skirts
  • Sometimes I just feel weird. I go by Sylvia on those days...
  • Sometimes I listen to my favorite song over and over and over again until its not my favorite anymore
  • Sometimes I clean my home so its super duper clean. But thats a rare sometimes...
  • Sometimes I don't want to talk at all to anyone. Sometimes I can. not. stop. talking.
  • Sometimes I feel really happy and think all sorts of big beautiful thoughts. I go by Anne on those days.
  • Sometimes I can't bring myself to look anyone on the "L" in the eye. 
  • Sometimes I smile at everyone I see
  • Sometimes I have to stop myself from telling Husband "I love you SOOOO much" for the gazillionth time. but sometimes I just can't help myself.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Dear Mom,
Thank you for making this silly girl's dream come true.

From Your Very Excited And Still In Happy Shock Daughter-in-Law,

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Today I'm Dreaming Of...

Film Cameras!
Oh goodness, I've been dreaming of owning one of these for a looooong time! My sister has been given 2 by family members and she has them just SITTING there on her bookshelf.... silly girl. I guess those are the privileges you get when you're the family photographer (: 
Anyway, I am really hoping that one day 
I can take pictures like this,

and this,

and this.

(all pictures are from google)


Monday, June 11, 2012

Its your birthday! Its your birthday! Hip hip hooray!!

This sweet girl celebrated her 6th birthday this weekend with a tea party, lots of little friends, and lots of cute giggles. This girlie has such a marvelous smile and brings such a sweet joy to everyone around her! I love hearing her sweet voice and seeing her darling smile every morning when she asks "what are you up to lyss?"
Happy Birthday my dear little friend!!

Snapshots from a weekend

1. car wash searching

2. car wash found

3. driving Husband up north to a tiling job

4. & 5. Farmers Market

6. Delicious snow cone that we waited way too long for.

not pictured from this weekend. Driving around 2 hours trying to find a parking spot at the beach only to remember why we don't really like the beach here.... oh well, we will stick to our delightful Boulevard from now on for our sunning needs (:


P.S. Now that I'm looking at that snow cone I'm definitely craving another Tangerine Lavender one, Mmmmmm!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Little Letters

Dear little friends next door,
I can't seem to leave my house without you telling me your adventures of the day...
 and I love hearing every one.

Dear Husband,
I came home today to find that you had cleaned the kitchen AND the living room AND made the bed AND put in our adjustable shower head (so now I can clean my feet. yay!) AND several other little surprises AND a sweet note! I hope that one day I can love as well as you love. 

Dear Bicycle,
I am so enjoying you! But must you really stain at least one piece of my clothing EVERY time I ride you?  I mean, I have avoided many potholes on your behalf. Could you please make the stain habit a little less?

Dear Cheese Curds at Farmhouse,
I really didn't need another yummy thing to crave every waking moment and yet here you are. 

Dear To Do List,
Well goodness me! You just keep a-growin and growin don'tcha?! 

Dear Les Miserables,
Wow. Everyday I count down the hours till nap time because of you. 

Dear Favored Red Pants That Seem To Fade Every Time I Wear You,

Dear Year '89,
I get teased all the time by associating myself with you. But I still think you're great (: 
who needs to know all those songs and movies anyway?

Dear Weekend,
Thank you for coming, we're so glad you're here! We fully intend to catch up on Zzzzz's and kisses while you're here. Oh and some tiling and birthday'ing too. This will be fun (:


                                                         hope your weekend is grand!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

"Hey Sweet Pea! Its your Mama!"

A couple minutes ago I looked at my phone and saw I had a voicemail.
"thats funny, I don't remember missing a call" I thought and began to listen to 
a voicemail filled with words of love and encouragement
from my Mama. 
Every time she praises me I feel like I'm 6 years old again and have just rode my bicycle (without training wheels mind you) a couple feet ALL BY MYSELF. I mean, I can do ANYTHING.
Just missing the super hero cape.

Thank you Mama.
I love you,

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Remember that one time where all we ate was Jello Salad?

 We got to see my dear Schaffy last night! Goodness I adore this girl. 
So sweet and gracious and just a joy. She is here visiting her sister so we kidnapped Schaffy and took her on a picnic that included chinese and a very chilly sunset.
Such a treat to spend an evening with her.

In the reminiscing and laughing over shared moments I was reminded of how much God uses our dear friends to make us who we are. Before Husband and I were "us", before Chicago, before the learnings we've had here that have so defined us, my dear friends were there and have been there the whole time. Sharing secret triumphs and trials, giggling over awkward moments, and sharing future dreams. 
These friends that challenge and inspire me. That I know I can confide in because they are trustworthy and wise. Somewhere between the years these friends have become "old" friends and I think there are none so dear. 
I certainly want to be better on my end when it comes to these friendships
but I just want to say "THANK YOU!" to these friends who are so precious to me.
Your support, love, encouragement and trust over these many years means a great deal to me.
I love you.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Little Letters

Dear Sunshine,
Oh blessed sunshine! how I have missed thee...

Dear Husband,
Thank you for the lovely walk last night. I love going on evening walks with you (:

Dear Bike,
Thank you for keeping me safe and getting me to work in such a timely manner. I like you a lot

Dear New Wave,
Your vanilla latte's are AMAZING. I am now your biggest fan!

Dear All White Sheets,
You make our bed look so crisp and clean and extra delightful to jump into at night.

Dear Schaffy,
I am so excited to see you today!

Dear Front Door,
must you be so thin?

Dear Spotify,
You complete me.

Dear Body,
Thank you for not getting sick the past couple weeks! I promise to keep exercising and doing yoga and I will try to eat healthier from here on out. 

Dear Beautiful Summer Weather,
Keep it coming!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

So about that rummage sale thing...

 It was CRAZY! I mean, we knew it would be crazy when our friend told us we needed to get there  30 min early but still... sure wasn't expecting that. Elderly ladies running, shoving, frantic sorting, oh goodness it was fun! Totally doing it again in the fall.
We were quite productive little Burkhardt's this weekend. It feels sooo good to be productive and get things done (:
Between getting up early to rummage, oil changing, driving, bike riding, church, and deep conversations about suffering and scripture our hearts and bodies are refreshed. Have we mentioned we love the summer?


P.S. somehow we completely missed the farmers market opening weekend and we're really not sure how it happened.... oops. 

Friday, June 1, 2012


I woke up with fuzzy brain that hasn't gone away yet and to overcast yucky weather outside. Everything feels off and weird and I just want the day to end so I can start a new one. Yeah, its just one of those days...

This weekend we're looking forward to:

~Going to a Rummage sale with a friend. Hope to find lots and lots of goodies (:
~The Farmers Market. Yay! Its finally here!!
~Going to church and worshipping with dear friends
~Hopefully a bike ride together. If the sun ever comes back out...
~Watching the end of HOOK. We've been watching a little bit each night before bed. So fun
~Josh is excited to get the oil changed. I'm looking forward to reading more of Jesus For President while its being changed.

Well, I'm off to make a cup of tea, watch a sad movie, maybe take a walk, and try to enjoy this day for what it is. Even if it is a weird, sad kind of day.
